Usit, a safe stepladder that doubles as a chair, is now for sale worldwide.
Customers can go to the website and order the Usit of their choice.
White, brown, or black, the two- or three-step version. The selected Usit will be sent directly to the end-consumer. This unique stepladder was initiated by Caspar Lampe and designed by Maarten Olden. In 2016 Usit was rewarded with a German Design Award by the German Design Counsil.
Usit originated in the desire to create a stepladder that fits into a contemporary interior. Today’s stepladders often look too utilitarian, and they are quickly returned to storage after being used. Although it is collapsible, the USIT doesn’t have to be stowed away.
Check it out, it is safe, durable and a treasure to your interior.