Maarten Olden participates in Glue.Amsterdam for the second time. At his studio at the Zamenhofstraat 108 |Unit 6 ,he will give you an insight in his design process. Maarten designs products for the (furniture) industry and architecture. During Glue he will present different designs in different stadia of the design process, drawings, renderings, scale-models en mock-ups. But also products that are produced and sold by a variety of clients.
Both Olden will present his newest product, steely sheet-metal pick-up trucks. These cars are designed, engineered, produced and assembled by Maarten Olden. With this products he wants to show the public what he is capable of using sheet-metal. The pick-ups are made in a small batch of 40 pieces and for sale during Glue.
Glue.Amsterdam, connected by design 16-19 september 2021 | Zamenhofstraat 108 | Unit 6

images: video stills taken from short film by Inge Bouw